ATL is partnering with the National Safety Council to focus on a different and significant safety topic each week throughout the month of June.

For Week 3 we are targeting Risk Reduction with:

Hazard Hunts

Upon arrival at the job site and before work is started, take the time to thoroughly complete a hazard hunt. The purpose of this critical pre-job assessment is to identify possible hazards in your work area and bring awareness to activities happening in the vicinity of your location.

  • Complete before work is started at the job site
  • Identify Hazards
  • Use that knowledge to control or mitigate those hazards
  • Reduce the risk of being involved in an incident

Hazard Observations

Observed hazardous conditions, acts, or failures should be reported as hazard observations so we can share that knowledge and learn more about controls and behaviors that may need further assessment or understanding.

  • If you see something, do and say something
  • Reporting may help the next person stay out of danger
  • Watch out for one another, have each other’s back


National Safety Month 2024 | Blogs | CDC