With Labor Day approaching, and summer vacations coming to an end, that means the school year will be starting, and school buses will be hitting the roads. As the roadways and sidewalks begin to see an increase in traffic from buses, bikers, and pedestrians it is important to be extra cautious when driving in locations where school children may be present. Here are some important tips to follow as you travel:

  • If the yellow or red lights of a school bus are flashing and the STOP arm is extended, traffic must stop.
  • School buses make frequent stops. If you are traveling behind a school bus always be prepared for it to stop.
  • The area ten feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus.
  • When in a school zone, always stop and yield to pedestrians.
  • Always stop for a school patrol officer or crossing guard holding up a stop sign, or otherwise directing traffic.
  • Watch for bike riders turning in front of you without looking or signaling; children especially tend to do this.
  • BE ALERT; children often are unpredictable and could dart into traffic unexpectedly.
  • Be extra careful in all types of residential neighborhoods.